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East Leesville Baptist Church

Small Groups

Let the message about the Messiah dwell richly among you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16


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9:30 My New Life

Time | Wednesday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Leader |

Location: D101

Leaders: Jeff Phillips / Doug Dixon

Curriculum: My New Life

All new Christians are excited to start their journey of faith. Unfortunately, for many, there is little foundation from which to build. Many new believers have no experience in reading the Bible or even knowing what it’s about. Countless others have no experience in the church or even an understanding of why the church is important. With so many unknowns, the new Christian can become easily discouraged by a lack of understanding of who a Christ-follower is.

For the believer to grow, it’s necessary to have an understanding of the gospel, God’s character, prayer, and so much more. Many resources for new Christians exist, but they can be overwhelming. They attempt to cover too much information and they use words that people new to the faith have most likely never even heard. So what’s a better way to support, encourage, and teach the new Christian what this new life in Christ looks like?

In My New Life, the new Christian will be given deep truths in short and simple-to-understand chapters of daily readings for weekly study. Whether completed individually or with a mentor, this study will help a new believer grow in knowledge of God’s Word. It will provide a foundation on which daily trust in Jesus will grow for the rest of their lives.

Session Topics:

  1. My New Life in Christ
  2. Understanding the Gospel
  3. Knowing God
  4. Following Jesus
  5. Connecting to God’s Family
  6. Joining God on Mission